Here you can find the press statements by Cengiz Holding.
Dear Members of the Press, The numerous complaints and notifications we have received through our company's communication channels during the day have necessitated the issuance of this public statement. The website www.cengizholdingvakfi.org, which apparently alters and uses our company logos,...
DETAILPublic statement within the scope of the tourism project planned to be realized by our Company in Bodrum Cennet Bay, with regard to the annulment of building permits by decision of Bodrum Municipality dated 12.12.2022. Building permits for the project to be realized by our Company on the immovable...
DETAILIt is with deep sorrow that we received the news of two consecutive truck accidents in Derik district of Mardin. We wish Allah’s mercy upon the 19 people who lost their lives and a speedy recovery to the injured. Following this tragic news that has left our country in mourning, a member of a...
DETAILPublic statement within the scope of the tourism project planned to be realized by our Company in Bodrum Cennet Bay, with regard to the annulment of building permits by decision of Bodrum Municipality dated 12.12.2022. Building permits for the project to be realized by our Company on the immovable...
DETAILThe purpose of this public statement is to refute the baseless claims that were being made by an MP about the electricity bill of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, as covered in the press. Our company’s electricity contract with the Turkish Grand National Assembly was for the period January...
DETAILIt has become necessary to issue a public statement in the face of the news flooding the written and visual media about Rize İkizdere Cevizlik Quarry. The “Rize İyidere Logistics Port” project contracted out by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will be realized by Cengiz İnşaat...